Saturday, January 28, 2023

অশ্রুভরা চোখে


অশ্রুভরা চোখে(দেশাত্মবোধক গান)

ই ম রু ল  কা য়ে স


অশ্রুভরা চোখে নিখোঁজ ছেলের শোকে

নিশিদিন জননীর অপেক্ষা

অনেক না বলা কথা নিষ্ফলা নীরবতা

কষ্টদহনে লেখা কবিতা…

সবুজ শ্যামল সেই কবিতার শিরোনাম

বাংলাদেশ, বাংলাদেশ, বাংলাদেশ…


স্বপ্নের শতদল প্রশান্ত সরোবর

জল টলমল চোখ, প্রচ্ছদ কবিতার

থরে থরে সাজানো, রঙে রঙে রাঙানো

রক্তের ফিন্কিতে লিখা নাম

বাংলাদেশ, বাংলাদেশ, বাংলাদেশ…


স্বপ্নের জলছবি সবুজ শ্যামল দেশ

আলো ঝলমল চোখ অশান্ত অনিমেষ

তিলে তিলে সাজানো, পলে পলে ছড়ানো

রক্তের বুদবুদে আঁকা নাম

বাংলাদেশ, বাংলাদেশ, বাংলাদেশ…

সুরকার: শেখ আব্দুস সালাম 

মিউজিক ভিডিও লিংক

                     ২০ আগস্ট ২০১৯


May I Love You


May I Love You

I M R U L   K A Y E S


The stormy night breaks up the silence of the night

The thundery sky flashes the violent wings of desire

I wake up trembling in fear.

The sky flashes, the wind slashes, clashes the thoughts in mind.


With a roaring passionate call - ‘Oh, my dear!’,

She knocks the door, I could clearly hear.


'May I love you?'

She pushes this stormy question in.


The answer backs her from a thundery sin.


23 August 2008


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Thy Heart


Thy Heart

I M R U L  K A Y E S


Thy heart is a fragrant flower garden

In which I am a haunting restless bee.


Let me kiss the petals and have the nectar in it.

Let me swim into its streams.


I will arrange a pilgrimage towards your heart

In where I’ll live and reign

And compose the verses of rosy love for the universe…


14 April 2012


Tuesday, January 24, 2023




ইমরুল কায়েস

সময় যখন উল্টো হাঁটে সবাই তখন ভ্রু কুঁচকায়

হাত ছেড়ে দেয়, ব্যস্ত হয়ে দূরে সরে, রঙ বদলায়

নানান রকম অজুহাতে সটকে পড়ে, অতীত ঢাকে

তখন শুধু একটি মানুষ কষ্টগুলো গায়ে মাথে।

যে মানুষটা সহ্য করে কাঁটার খোঁচা, কথার আঁচড়

কণ্ঠে চোষে নীল কষ্ট, দৈন্য-দুঃখ, যমের কামড়

দুঃখে সুখে যে মানুষটা ছায়ার মতো সাথে চলে

এ সংসারে তাকেই লোকে সত্যিকারের বন্ধু বলে।

২৩ আগস্ট ২০২৩ খ্রি.


Sunday, January 22, 2023

A Strange Wandering


A Strange Wandering

I M R U L  K A Y E S 


Once in a fine shiny afternoon

I was wandering on the Cemetery Road

All on a sudden, I heard a sweet merry note

Sung from a nearby window.

A beautiful face made me spell-bound.


A fine shiny smiling afternoon

A sweet chirping merry tune

And a cute teenage window-face

Made my wandering dignified.

I became a poet of mysticism.


22 November 2018


Note: Cemetry Road is a historical busy road in the divisional city of Khulna, Bangladesh.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Deep in the Night


Deep in the Night

I M R U L  K A Y E S

Deep in the night when you come in

I get a nostalgic fragrance.

Worm-eaten past, rotten memory diverted, distorted breasts.

Beckoning me to the dark, to gratify the lust

You bestow me your rented properties.

I remain busy only mending my conscience.

Offering me, you want to compensate your ingratitude.
Gatherings of happy days, stolen kisses, innocence romance
Bubbles of teenage fantasy
Trinkets of immature loves, robbed off unfold heart.

Hey nymph, is your compensation enough to amend those losses?

How can I accept you mending my conscience?

25 May 20117


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

My Mother


My Mother

(Rabbir Hamhuma Ka”ma Rabbaiani Sagiira)

I M R U L  K A Y E S


I saw her watery eyes, lit up bright

A promised drop of tear overflowed.

A sweet aromatic feeling encompassed my tiny physic

Because she loved me more than anyone on the earth.


I was confined; her loves reigned me

And chained with supreme loves and blessings

I had nowhere to go, no way to leave her

Because she loved me more than anyone on the earth. 

She had a glowing smile for me and a prayer

Always circled round me for my good luck

 I was in her womb safely when she was in crisis

Because she loved me more than anyone on the earth.

Her all smiles and prayers, all hopes offering me,

All her good feelings have been stopped.

No new hope, no blessing, no prayer is offered for me now

Because the most beautiful dignified lady is no more!


12 February 2008



Monday, January 9, 2023

The Angels of Tham Luang Cave


The Angels of Tham Luang Cave

I M R U L  K A Y E S

Some angels were confined in the Tham Luang Cave

The Nature seemed to be very brutal to them 

They were dreaming to have a birthday celebration.

Their adventure was full of fantasies and excitements

And the return was abrupted.

Cruel disaster was waiting for them.

The angels fell into the death-jaw

And, so were their caretaker; the coach.

The whole world and the Heaven

Were melting for a prayer for them.

The God Himself took part in this mourning.

Therefore, the angels were rescued.

The sky and the Heaven are now waiting for the reconciliation.

God lives absolutely in mass prayers.

17 June 2018


A Blue Butterfly


A Blue Butterfly

I M R U L  K A Y E S


Once a blue butterfly touched my teenage mind

I awake up feeling her enchanted touch.


In my boyhood she drew her sketch on me

Of and on as she wish

She filled up my mind full blossomed

All around my life, there were dream-fests

I was then a hero of omnipotence.


But she was lost in quest of spring honey.

As a child abundant toys after his play being over


The blue butterflies come to life and go away

Millions of hearts get broken.


I am now busy in mending the broken heart

And planting the trodden dreams of life

I’m only arranging


 and rearranging…


24 September 2018


Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Invisible Wall

The Invisible Wall

I M R U L  K A Y E S


Behind the back hedge when I touched your red saree

You told me, ‘not now, another day’.

At the edge of Ghosh’s pond when I touched your body

You told me, ‘not now, another day’.

In the jungle wall when I drew you close

You told me, ‘not now, another day’.

not now, another day

not now, another day…

Many a long day and night passed away in this way

You didn’t break the invisible wall.

And never break it…

23 September 2018


Saturday, January 7, 2023

A Futile Afternoon


A Futile Afternoon

 I M R U L  K A Y E S

The afternoon was fine

And the mind was fair,

The sky was deep blue

Scattered clouds remain there.

I have an appointment with her.

There’ll be a meeting, a sitting

And the afternoon will be passing over.


For a fragile lame excuse

She didn’t come.

My waiting for her

And the arrangement for the afternoon proved futile.

There was no meeting, no sitting,

And no chance to tell her that

I need her more than anything in the world’.



14 September 2010



  অপেক্ষা ই ম রু ল কা য়ে স মাঘের হিমবাহ শেষে এলো ফাগুন, এলো বসন্ত বসন্তের আগমনে পুষ্পে পুষ্পে ভরে গেলো বিষন্ন প্রকৃতি; প্রজাপতি রঙ ছড়ালো,...